How to Teach with Your Hands Tied Behind Your Back!



Teacher and school leader, Dr. Arlene Greenfield demonstrates how to focus on what matters most and build a lasting career in teaching. She shares the journey of her moving to another country, learning a different culture, education system, and how she evolved as a teacher yearly for the past 30 years. You can be a happier teacher and she wants to bring back that energy to your classrooms for students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the district. 

Throw out the teacher’s Handbook that has proven to be unhelpful and learn practical tips for “How to Teach With Your Hands Tied Behind Your Back!

The challenges of classroom management is no secret. Many teachers quit not only the classroom but the industry because of problems they may have felt helpless to overcome. I want to encourage you and give you some practical tips that can help you do  what you love, teach! Yes, teaching requires a special heart with a passion for education, but there is no one size fits all to winning over your classroom, working with parents, staff, leadership, or cultures. In this book I share 21 lessons I’ve learned working in the New York school system that I know can help you. If you are burned out, feel undervalued, overworked, or need something to help you stay in it to see children and communities win, this book is for you! Teaching someone to win in life is one of the most selfless and honorable gifts a person can give. Don’t throw away your good nature because you are frustrated, allow this book to help you get control over your classroom and future in teaching.  

Teacher and school leader, Dr. Arlene Greenfield demonstrates how to focus on what matters most and build a lasting career in teaching. She shares her journey of moving to another country, learning a different culture, education system, and how she evolved as a teacher yearly for the past 30 years. You can be a happier teacher and she wants to bring back that energy to your classrooms for students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the district. 



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