Sabrina Crichlow

Sabrina Crichlow is a wife, married for 31 years, a mother of 2 adult children, and 1 granddaughter. She is a gifted speaker and certified life and health coach, who is thankful God can use her mess for His glory! 

Sabrina is the founder of “My Wellness Tree” LLC where you Start your Roots Here! God has entrusted her to preserve marriage and remind people that it is an institution created by HIM, not man. She wants to share her story of “How to Endure for Better or for Worse.” Teaching women to look outside themselves to bring healing within. She wants to encourage women to develop passion, humility, and discipline in their marriage daily.  

Though she has studied at Oakwood College, Phoenix and Ashford Universities, the well-sought after PHD from the foot of the CROSS is where she began. She has a fresh and fun way to reach the hearts of women where they are in their marriage and she utilizes all her gifts and talents to make it happen. 

Sabrina addresses women, life groups, and churches through her programs offering engaging and practical application of spiritual truths from the topics: Get It Out, The Women In the Mirror, Don’t Silence Me, I Have a Voice, and Hold On To Your Puri-Tea. Her philosophy is to “thine own self be true” and God will handle the rest and her goal is to see her marriage and help others see their marriage through the eyes of Christ. 

God’s Word is the authority of her programs and talks. His Spirit is the teacher and Sabrina is the facilitator that leads women on a delightful journey of seeking, finding, and growing in their marriage and Christ.